Free Speechers Come of Age

A new thinking is emerging, I think, where people are turning away from conventional form and wisdom. We are in fact looking at an Age of Expression. An Age of Free Speech. It's a time when people are speaking their mind. Without the worrying concern of form and political correctness. And it's happening everywhere. People are not living stereotypes. Or roles assigned to them. The most recent and most talked about was the Father of Chariot Hindutva calling the Father of Muslim Pakistan, a secularist and a patriot.

I think this is also a time of great maturity. A time of expanding perspectives. Where a rabidly upper caste-opposed Mayawati serenades the most bigoted and orthodox caste group, the UP Brahmins. Analyses of the examples I have listed can produce hard-nosed explanations that will keep both believers and doubters happy. On their own both explanations could be valid and sense-making but that does not mean that they are complete and truthful. The truth behind our actions, especially our most significant actions, is made up of something more numinous than words. Something frailer than logic. Something that defies defining. But lately this frail, subtle and inexplicable truth is becoming louder, bolder and more urgent.

So will the world become a better place when people start speaking their minds?
I don't know.


  1. There is nothing noble about the examples you quoted...their moves are all politically motivated!! its so easy to see thru their games!!
    Quote some sincere examples to support ur views!!

  2. There is nothing noble about the examples you quoted...their moves are all politically motivated!! its so easy to see thru their games!!
    Quote some sincere examples to support ur views!!


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