Noise Factory

Tabo is one of the oldest monasteries of Ladakh. But we didn't see it from inside. Entranced as we were by the Telugu film that was being shot there. It was a song where Anshika, the heroine was playing a sannyasin, and was being vigorously wooed by the hero, Bobby.

I watched about 5 takes of the same shot. And then I bid Tabo goodbye. Peace and quiet were not to be had amid such cacophony.

On the way out I saw the merry monks bonding with the women extras. And local girls posing for snazzy digi-cams.

The trip was good. But my mind is still a whirlpool... so I guess I'll keep the posts coming :)

Thank you all. Especially KM and Pareshan.


  1. "merry monks bonding with the women extras" - hotshots movie comes to mind :)

  2. A telegu film in Ladakh? Now I've heard it all.

    I hope you will tell us more about this trip.

  3. Glad you are back.
    A whirlpool is an interesting metaphor as in circular motion, as that produced by the meeting of opposing currents, often causing a downward spiraling action. Your opposing currents? What is expected of one opposing what is unexpected? The responsible inner self battling the wild child? Your inner demons trying to escape? to have a voice?
    Ever the whirling dervish.

  4. glad u're back Dhiraj!!!

    keep roking! And please remember...there are so many stories begging to be told....u can't leave!



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