Swamp Feast

This is Camouflage recamouflaged: given a few more coats, swipes and textures. I was told that it looked like a 'halfway' work. Now I hope it looks 'over'. It's now called 'Swamp Feast'.

178 cm X 25 cm
acrylic on canvas

"Isn't it a great feeling when a painting finally tells you to step away from the paintbrush? I love how expressively your inner crocodile burst onto your canvas..."

----Bone Singer


  1. wow, it's awesome

  2. Isn't it a great feeling when a painting finally tells you to step away from the paintbrush? I love how expressively your inner crocodile burst onto your canvas...great work!

  3. Swamp is my LIFE, I think

  4. I wanna get my inner croc out too

  5. smack whack slap puchchack flip flop spoopsh ooze phew


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